Step 1: Basecoat black. (not pictured)
Step 2: Rough overall drybrush of VMC Chocolate Brown.
Step 3: Slightly less rough drybrush of VMC FLat Earth.
This should get me a solid base for stuff like leather.
The overall drybrush also helps in spotting details.
Step 4: Paint weapons, chainmail and assorted bits with VGC Silver.
Step 5: Paint blingy stuff (including collars) VMC Polished Gold.
Step 6: VMC Cavalry Brown (a dark red) on the armour plate.
Step 7: Edge highlights on the red using VGC Bloody Red.
Step 8: Paint the skin using Citadel Ungor Flesh. Note that I skipped this (and the next step) on a few minis so I'd have some variety in skin tones.
Step 9: Highlight the skin using Citadel Elf Flesh.
Step 10: Paint the bone bits using VMC Iraqi Sand.
Step 11: Give the whole model a wash of Citadel Agrax Earthshade.
Step 12: Add some blood on weapons using Citadel Blood for the Blood God.
Finally, base and varnish.
This isn't a perfect or foolproof scheme, but it can be applied reasonably quickly and with a fairly limited range of colours and looks fine on the tabletop.